Public Presentation by Dr. Don Parry

IDAHO FALLS,IDAHO– February 19, 2007– On February 21 the Museum of Idaho will be presenting Dr. Don Parry, who will be speaking on the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Great Isaiah Scroll.  Dr. Parry, a professor at Brigham Young University Provo, will speak at...

Public Presentation by Founder of Ink & Blood

IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO – February 15, 2007 – On February 16 the Museum of Idaho will be presenting the first speaker in conjunction with the Ink & Blood exhibition.  Dr. William Noah, founder and curator of Ink & Blood will speak at Trinity United Methodist...

Museum of Idaho Opens Ink & Blood Exhibit

IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO – February 15, 2007 – On February 16 the museum opens its major 2007 exhibit, “Ink & Blood: Dead Sea Scrolls to the King James Bible,” presented by the Post Register. The opening of Ink & Blood marks the first time ever for actual Dead...