March 1 & 2 

THEA and SMHEA presents: Ink and Blood Home School Days

The Largest and Most Comprehensive Museum Exhibit of the Bible!

Knoxville, TN, Worlds Fair Park (below Holiday Inn Select Downtown)

March 1st & 2nd, Tuesday & Wednesday

The Tennessee Homeschool Education Association is proud to partner with the Ink and Blood Exhibition in order to provide home school families the ability to learn about the Bible we cherish and rally around this world class museum exhibit.  Several THEA representatives attended the private opening on Friday, Feb. 4th and realized the entire home school community needed to see this unprecedented exhibit.  Dr. William H. Noah, curator of the exhibit, and Rusty Maisel, associate curator, are both home school dads that have realized the importance of teaching their children and all that will listen the real history of the Bible.  Visitors will experience a 20-minute documentary on the history of the Bible, authentic Dead Sea Scroll fragments, a working replica of the most important invention of the millenia—the Gutenberg printing press, the story of William Tyndale, the most influential English speaking person ever as well as over 100 priceless ancient artifacts.  Don’t miss out on an opportunity to learn about the history of the Bible and fellowship with hundreds of home school families from around the region.  Be sure to thank Claiborne and Lana Thornton and Cory and Barb Bennett for putting this event together! 

• Special Scholarly Presentations on the history of the Bible.

• Student “History of the Bible” competition.

• Parking just $3 at the Holiday Inn Select Downtown with Exhibition ticket stub.

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